ARCPATH is part of the Joint Nordic Initiative on Arctic Research.This was established in order to generate new insights into both the challenges and opportunities confronting the Arctic region. The Responsible Development of the Arctic: Opportunities and Challenges – Pathways to Action programme is cross-disciplinary, with three thematic priority areas:
Drivers of Change - Interactions and Impacts
Arctic Resource Development in a Global Context
Waters, Ecologies and Life Environments
News and messages
Yongqi Gao 1965 - 2021
We are all very sorry for the loss of a great colleague.
New PhD: Laura Malinauskaite
Ecosystem services of whales in the Arctic: co-production, valuation and governance
New PhD: Tom Barry
The Arctic Council An Agent of Change?
New tool can predict short-term climate changes
The long-term effects of climate change are well known. But what about next year, or in three years? A soon to end research project has developed a tool for exactly this purpose.
ARCPATH annual meeting Oct 14-15
Oct 14 10am - Oct 15 1pm at Nordic House, Reykjavik.