ARCPATH consortium organized a session at EGU 2019 on April 8th in Vienna. The session  ‘Climate Variability and Prediction in High Latitudes’ includes 31 contributions (14 oral presentations and 17 poster contributions). This session aims for a better understanding and better representation of the mechanisms that control high latitude climate variability and predictability in both hemispheres at sub-seasonal to multi-decadal time-scales in past, recent and future climates. Further, the session aims to discuss ongoing efforts to improve climate predictions at high latitudes at various time scales (as e.g. usage of additional observations for initialization, improved initialization methods, impact of higher resolution, improved parameterizations) and potential teleconnections of high latitude climate with lower latitude climate. This session offers the possibility to present results from the ongoing projects and research efforts on the topic of high-latitude climate variability and prediction.

ARCPATH member, Torben Koenigk from SMHI is the convenor of the session with Yongqi Gao as a co-convenor. ARCPATH participants also include Pasha Karami from SMHI, Tian Tian, Shuting Yang from DMI, Madlen Kimmritz from NERSC, Fumiaki Ogawa from UiB.

Abstracts for oral presentations and posters at the ARCPATH session is found at: CL4.12/AS4.12/CR1.14/OS1.29 Climate Variability and Prediction in High Latitudes.