The ARCPATH consortium held its Annual Meeting for 2017 in Reykjavik, Iceland, on 16-17 October. This was in conjunction with the final meeting of the project Impacts of Future Sea-Ice and Snow-Cover Changes on Climate, Green Growth and Society (GREENICE). Highlights of results from both projects were presented, work plans for next year outlined and possibilities for exploiting synergies from the two projects discussed. Jostein Sundet from NordForsk attended the second day of the meeting. Agenda

Image: Group photo for the joint ARCPATH/GREENICE meeting held in Reykjavik, Iceland on 16 October, 2017. The photo was taken outside the meeting venue, the Nordic House, and shows Reykjavik in the background. The photo was taken by Franz Gunnarsson, technician at the Nordic House, using the camera belonging to Leslie King, ARCPATH international partner.